This is a AKA Nick Tracker Script that keeps track of nickname usage/changes based on !@Hostmask match. By default, the script will track the last 21 nicknames used by each host mask, but this can be changed by changing the MaxNicks Alias in the setup portion of the script.
By Default, this script will also display the matching AKA nicks when someone joins. This can be turned off by changing the JoinDisplay alias , as directed in the setup portion of the script.
Example Output:
[22:07:08] * Mule[Zapper] ( has joined #tttest
AKA MuleZapper AKA MuleTrap MuleDrill MuleBull PowerMule MuleZap MuleCrap MuleZapper

If you choose not to use the automatic on join display, you can still do manual checks by right clicking a nick in the nicklist and;
Selecting AKA >> Check NickName Will do a Manual check of the selected Nick.
Part 1: How To Configure mIRC For XDCC Downloading Part 2: How To Download With mIRC Part 3: Troubleshooting. A quick recap: IRC is a chat network, consisting of thousands of servers with a bunch of chat channels each, and on some of these you can find all sorts of media and software – and downloading is often lightning fast! Close the mIRC Options by clicking OK. Then let's try to connect by typing /server or /server or just by clicking the connect button located in the top left of the mIRC Window (see picture below). Connect Button After this a lot of text should appear in the Status Window and the mIRC Favorites should pop up (see link).
Selecting AKA >> Cleanup NickName Will remove Nicknames from the selected nick that end in 4 or more numbers.(ie Unknown1234)
Selecting AKA >> Clear NickName Will reset the history of the selected nick.
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Run mIRC by double-clicking on the mIRC icon on your desktop or in your Windows Start menu. You should then see the Connect window below which you can use to connect to IRC. You will need to enter something for your Full Name and Email Address. These do not have to. Understand why and how people in IRC appear to stay connected 24/7. They're not actually at their.

AKA >> AKA Search Dialog will bring up a dialog that you can use to do more thorough searches as well as searching nicks that are offline.

To use the dialog, just enter a name or hostmask and click search. *Note that you must tick the radio buttons below the search box to reflect the type of search you are doing.
Once you have some results in the listbox, you can click 'Check Selected' to return the nickname list associated with the selected hostmask.

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'Copy to Clipboard' will copy the hostmask minus the network name to your clipboard for banning etc.